Time Tracking, Timesheets, and Payroll Data

Eyrus collects data from badges, wearable beacons, and phones to provide objective reports of time spent on your site.

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Know Who, Where, and How Long

Who is on site

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Get an objective view of hours spent by individual workers, contracted companies, and by zone.

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Track specific areas

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Track your entire site or track specific zones on your site.

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Automate delivery of reports

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Schedule delivery of time sheets and reports on a daily or weekly basis to key project stakeholders

Report delivery

Integrate data to your systems

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Feed objective worker data into your project management and scheduling software.

Learn about Eyrus Integrations.

Integrations Landing
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Timesheet and Payroll Reporting

Eyrus generates automated timesheets and access logs that can feed or integrate directly into payroll.
Book a demo to discuss automated, objective timesheets and payroll.

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Send Real-time Data into Procore Daily Log

Eyrus sends real-time headcounts per subcontractor to the Procore Daily Log as the workforce data is automatically collected from the site. At the end of the day, Eyrus sends the total daily man hour information to the Procore Daily Log.

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See How Eyrus Could Work for Your Site.

Build Your Solution
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